Centricast CL Fiberglass Pipe
The most chemically resistant pipe in the market.
Centrifugally cast CL pipe has a unique construction that offers an easy-to-install vinyl ester piping system with the best support spacing in the industry. With a 100% resin corrosion barrier, Centricast™ piping systems provide the most chemically resistant pipe in the market. These products have 60 years of successful history in the steel pickling, chloro-alkali, pharmaceutical, power generation, and chemical processing industries.
Centricast CL-2030 and 1520 pipe are manufactured with high-strength glass fabrics and a highly resilient formulation of corrosion-resistant vinyl ester resin. The excellent chemical resistance of the piping system provides longer service life than traditional piping materials. The pipe performance conveying chemical mixtures and hot acids is particularly exceptional, resulting in a reduction in maintenance and replacement costs. Centricast CL-2030 pipe typically weighs less than one-fourth of that of comparable Schedule 40 stainless steel. A 20-ft length of 4-in. pipe weighs 58 lb, while the same length of stainless steel weighs 216 lb.
Centricast CL-1520 Data Sheet
Centricast CL-1520 Piping System Spec Sheet
Centricast CL-2030 Data Sheet
Centricast CL-2030 Piping System Spec Sheet
Centricast Piping System 1"-14" Fittings and Accessories Catalog
Centricast Sealable Drains Data Sheet
Secondary Containment Pipe and Two-Piece Fittings Data Sheet
Chemical-Industrial Distribution List
Chemical and Industrial Piping Systems Brochure
Fiberglass Engineering and Piping Design Guide
Mining and Milling Brochure
Calcium Chloride Processing (Louisiana) Case Study
Chemical Process Lines (Texas) Case Study
Colorado Waste Treatment Facility Case Study
Process Waste Stream (Semiconductor) Case Study
Utah Power Plant Case Study
Water Treatment Skids Case Study