Bulldog Frac System

Eliminates wellbore restrictions, allowing operators to push the limits of each treatment and maximize productivity

Technician working on a Bulldog Frac System

Versatile, robust means of conducting an annular stimulation through Bulldog frac sleeves

The Bulldog™ frac system is a method of conducting a multistage completion, which allows operators to locate, shift open, isolate, and stimulate each stage with the help of a multiset packer. The system consists of a Bulldog Frac Sleeve installed throughout the casing, and the Bulldog Frac BHA that can selectively open each sleeve allowing them to be treated.

Bulldog single-open (SO) frac sleeve

The Bulldog frac single-open (SO) sleeves feature a mechanical-shift, single-open sleeve designed explicitly for horizontal multistage land applications. The stimulation is conducted by pumping down the coiled tubing annulus using a proprietary BHA. Pumping down the coiled tubing annulus permits higher pumping rates and allows for a better understanding of fracture geometry and dynamics. The Bulldog frac sleeve is compact, light, and easy to handle, which improves makeup times and reduces safety risks.

Bulldog multi-open/close sleeve

The Bulldog frac multi-open/close (MOC) sleeve technology features a mechanical shift and multiple open-and-close sleeves designed explicitly for horizontal multistage completions. The sleeve, along with the BHA design, allows for flexibility with fracturing operations. Treatments can be performed as "open-frac-close" or "open-frac." The MOC feature permits closing sleeves later, should well conditions dictate.

Bulldog dual-shift frac sleeve

Our Bulldog dual-shift (DS) frac sleeve technology features a mechanical shift, multiple-open-and-close sleeve designed explicitly for extended-reach horizontal multistage completions. In most extended horizontal applications, a sufficient downward force is limited. The Bulldog DS frac sleeve requires only upward movement to open and close, providing a reliable means of stimulation.

Bulldog annular frac-shifting BHA

The Bulldog frac BHA is bred from offshore heritage, using the field-proven locating and shifting capability of the i-Shift, teamed with our best-in-class coiled tubing straddle frac and abrasive jet components. The payoff is a modular, robust, and reliable means of conducting cost-effective annular frac stimulations. The Bulldog frac BHA is designed specifically for all land-based operations.

Bulldog ball-drop multi-open/close (BD MOC) sleeve

The Bulldog ball-drop multi-open/close (BD MOC) sleeve is a ball-drop activated multistage frac system featuring a mechanical shift, multiple-open and close sleeve designed for horizontal completions. Multiple sleeves can be installed in the completion string, with each sleeve opened with a specific size ball pumped from the surface. The multi-open-close feature permits opening or closing sleeves after the millout of the ball seat should well conditions dictate.



  • Each sleeve provides accurate depth location during the shifting operations
  • Field-proven i-Valve shifting profiles and seal
  • Compact, lightweight, and robust
  • Fully compatible with cemented and open-hole completions
  • Multi-open-close functionality through mechanical shifting tools
  • Can be Ball-drop operated with Drillable cast iron ball seats for easy millout
  • Compatible with dissolvable ball technology
  • BHA includes two memory gauges (located above and below the packer) and its slim design improves clearances over the industry standard
  • BHA’s modular concept allows compatibility with all Bulldog frac sleeves


  • Increased pumping efficiency and rate with a slim design
  • No stage count limitations
  • Abrasive perforation contingency allows for "on-the-fly" increase to the number of stimulated intervals
  • Uses the dead leg for fracture diagnostics
  • Safer, simpler, and more efficient handling on the rig floor
  • Patented and field-proven sealing system offers full pressure testing of closed sleeves even after several years in service
  • Closable sleeves give the option to perform future refracturing as required
  • Flexibility in frac design - "open-frac-close/open-frac"
  • Reliable shifting and active sleeve locating


  • Formations with a high frequency of screen outs
  • High stage count stimulation designs
  • Wells requiring abrasive perforating
  • Acid or proppant stimulations

  • Bulldog Frac Multi-Open/Close (MOC) Sleeve Data Sheet

  • Bulldog Frac Single Open SO Sleeve Data Sheet

  • Bulldog BD Multi-Open/Close (MOC) Sleeve Data Sheet

  • Bulldog Frac The Dirty Test Sand Endurance Test Flyer

  • Lower Completions Portfolio

Bullfrog Frac System being inspected and worked on by a technician in PPE
Closeup of a Bullfrog Frac System being inspected by a technician

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