Subsea Chemical Storage System

We help solve topside capacity challenges and enable cost-effective electrification, improved field economics and flow assurance.

Image of subsea storage underwater, with a rig in the background above water

Whenever you expand a field with new wells, your need for chemicals grows – without an obvious way to increase capacity. Our Subsea Chemical Storage (SCS) system is designed to safely store and deliver chemicals to the platform or close to the asset. The SCS system can be designed to store all production chemicals and/or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) chemicals.

Around the world, more and more offshore field developments are being planned with electrification of operations, which increases the need for vital fluid processes being as close to the wells as possible, including chemicals supply and injection.

When chemicals are needed to maintain and sustain wellstream flow assurance and prevent residue build-up, a conventional – and costly – offshore method is to inject mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) within a large umbilical. Our alternative is to store the chemicals on the seabed next to the asset eliminates the need for an expensive pipeline, as well as providing a more environmentally friendly option.


  • Debottlenecking of brown fields and tiebacks avoids weight and space impact on the platform and enhances daily oil production volumes by 5-10% with a SCS system for EOR chemicals.
  • Low environmental impact and reduced refilling frequency. Expand the field without increasing emissions.
  • Enable industry transition to electrification, with subsea storage located as close to the wells as possible.

SCS Sytem

The SCS system consists of storage units designed to store buoyant, neutral, and nonbuoyant production chemicals, ranging from inhibitors and EOR chemicals to preservation chemicals. Each storage unit contains one type of chemical, and the overall storage volume is dictated by chemical consumption rates and refill intervals.

The system also includes boosters, fluid transfer systems, power, control, and a monitoring system, as well as a frame and foundation. The SCS system is designed with optimal performance and simplified maintenance and allows for the continuous or intermittent injection of chemicals as well as refilling operations.

Value Proposition


Avoid topside platform space and weight restrictions

For subsea storage of EOR chemicals, an enhanced daily oil production volume of 5-10 % is possible (depending on reservoir, fluid characteristics, pressure support method).

The SCS system is designed with all voluminous storage components located subsea.

Modular design, adjustable in size and capacity.

Enabling field developments and all-electric philosophy through subsea storage of large chemical volumes

Removal of expensive umbilical, placing storage and injection close to the wells.

Modular design, adjustable in size and capacity.

Low environmental impact and reduced vessel refilling frequency with larger volumes subsea

Increase production without increased CO2 emissions, as all voluminous storage components are located subsea thereby reducing the kg of CO2 emitted per barrel of oil produced.

Reduced CO2 emissions during fabrication phase compared to platform extension.

Reduce topside HSE challenges

Low operator exposure to chemicals. Reduced offshore manning.

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Partnering with Equinor and OGTC to drive the reduction of CO2 emissions

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