Completion Pipe

Specialized pipe for high-pressure completion operations

Completion Pipe at Tuboscope facility

A unique solution for high-pressure environments

New design challenges for deepwater, extended-reach, and other critical completion operations have limited the conventional use of industry-standard workstrings and prompted development of a new completion pipe. In response, specialized tubulars with metal-to-metal pressure seal connections have been developed as new completion pipe options, addressing demands for high torsional strength and pressure integrity in a streamlined connection profile.

High-performance TT-M™ and XT-M™ metal-to-metal seal connections provide the robust configuration of a rotary-shouldered connection with the pressure integrity of a premium connection. The completion pipe’s streamlined configuration provides an oversized inside diameter throughout the connection and tube to maximize hydraulic efficiency and provide for unobstructed tool passage through the completion string. Maximizing the tool joint inside diameter and shifting tube upsets to the exterior are options for minimizing flow restrictions.

The durable TT-M and XT-M connections provide advantages not seen in typical API tool joints or threaded upset tubing connection configurations. The new completion pipe provides superior leak resistance in high-pressure applications while maintaining high torsional capacities. The seal integrity of these connections have been successfully pressure tested after 100 makeup and breakout cycles.

  • XT-M connections are rated to withstand up to 15,000 psi internal and 10,000 psi external gas pressures
  • TT-M connections are rated to withstand up to 20,000 psi internal and 10,000 psi external gas pressures

Customized completion pipe offers a viable option for operations such as drill stem tests, drilling out cement, displacing mud with completion fluid, conveying perforating guns, and performing frac jobs.

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