Annual Rig Inspections

Ensuring rig compliance for safe operations


Tuboscope Specialty Inspection Services (SIS) provides all inspections required to keep your rig operational, including, but not limited to, lifting equipment inspections, Dropped Object surveys (DROPS), annual non-destructive testing (NDT) of fixed lifting equipment, high pressure and low pressure piping systems, drill handling tools, fall protection surveys and a complete derrick inspection and bolt check. All customers have 24/7 online access to inspection reports through

Hoisting & Lifting Equipment Surveys

A thorough examination of lifting accessories is vital to ensure safe equipment use. Our SIS Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) trained inspectors conduct annual and 6 month lifting equipment surveys of any installations (oil rig, land rig, FPSO, supply vessel). Surveys are conducted in accordance with LEEA, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER), international standards and customer specific procedures.  Survey analysis allow customers to identify trends that exist across rigs or regions, thus enhancing safety, and reducing costs of lifting equipment.

NDT Inspection Services

Our experienced technicians support all conventional and advanced NDT methods of inspection.  We work with clients to minimize downtown and ensure equipment integrity and safe continued use in accordance to the relevant standards and the original equipment manufacturers (OEM) recommendations.

As an industry recognized leader in non-destructive testing, we work closely with Engineering and Standardization divisions. We provide regular feedback regarding existing procedures to help approve and test new, advanced inspection techniques that reduce equipment downtime, such as phased array ultrasonic (PAUT) inspection.

Our wide range of customers include – Oil & Gas, Petro-Chemical, Refineries, Ship Repair, Ship Building, and general Engineering.  Tuboscope SIS is registered and approved by many International Certification Agencies for Clause Survey and Inspections.

Load Testing

We conduct load tests using several safe techniques, including water bags and hydraulic jacking systems.

Our stock of lifeboat waterbags can be used to load test lifeboats in accordance with SOLAS Ch. 3 guidelines, and our system allows for remote testing, eliminating the need for any personnel to enter the lifeboat during testing. Hydraulic units are calibrated annually to ensure accurate proof loads and have successfully load tested top-drive systems (TDS) hang-off padeyes with proof loads greater than 120 tons.

SIS is proud to be a full member of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA).

All our inspectors are trained under the LEEA programs and we actively support the LEEA Team Card Initiative, a card that is only given to qualified engineers.

Dropped Objects Survey

Our web-based reporting software for Dropped Objects Surveys is used by our inspectors to compile an inventory of all potential drops items in the work area. The reporting software is developed and adapted to fit your individual requirements and management systems, and includes the risk category, location, fastening / secondary retaining method and recommended corrective actions. For ease of identification, each inventory item is coupled with a photographic illustration.

Together, our Derrick Structural Inspection software and Inspection Book Format provides a complete solution in the identification, recording, monitoring and rectification of potential dropped object scenarios. Upon completion of the DROPS survey the client will receive an Inspection book that contains valuable information from the DROPS survey and provides a systematic approach to Preventative Dropped Objects Inspections.

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