1289 TorqueMaster Junior
Make up and break out tool joint connections with our fully customizable unit.
The 1289 TorqueMaster™ Junior provides a safe and easy way to make up and break out tubular tool joint connections for shops with limited space or that don't require the full capabilities of a full-sized TorqueMaster unit. Designed for practicality and with service shop safety in mind, the TorqueMaster Junior is a fully hydraulic unit consisting of a standard fixed headstock and a traversing tailstock chuck.
The unit can be custom configured to include various optional accessories—including extensions beams, rolling tool support jacks, a spinner assembly, a push/pull assembly, and torque-logging systems—that have been designed to increase the functionality of the unit. A single set of tong dies is used over the full 2⅝- to 8⅝-in. OD range of the unit, eliminating the need to constantly change them as the tool OD changes.
For safety and efficiency, the TorqueMaster Junior is operated by one person from a low-pressure, electric-powered, standalone hydraulic control console.