Ultra-High Capacity (UHC) Coiled Tubing Unit
Increased maneuverability of a truck-mounted coiled tubing unit (CTU) makes it easier to access difficult-to-get-to wellsites.
Most of the easy oil has already been discovered, and wellsites are increasingly difficult to access. Our new ultra-high-capacity CTU is designed to make it easier to access these wellsites while carrying enough pipe to do the job.
Our new, innovative CTU design allows for the maneuverability of a chassis-mounted CTU with the payload capacity of a large, multi-axle trailer. The UHC CTU is available in multiple configurations and can use trucks and tractors from any major truck chassis manufacturer. By listening to you, our new UHC CTU addresses all the key concerns that arise with existing coiled tubing units, including maneuverability, lack of ground clearance, spacious control cabins, and reliability.
Our newly designed ultra-high-capacity coiled tubing unit consists of three components: a control and power unit (CPU), reel trailer, and a transport stand (injector and PCE).
The control and power unit truck is the heart of this design. It consists of our proven hydraulic wet kit that is driven off a full horsepower PTO, powered hose reels with wet center connections for the blowout preventer (BOP), and injector power and control lines. We use new technology, including proven touchscreen technology, electric over hydraulic controls, and magnetic filtration.
Reel trailer
The reel trailer is designed to be less than 14 ft 9 in. (4.5 m) high and only 8.5 ft (2.6 m) wide, with a low center of gravity for safety and high approach and departure angles for traveling through rough terrain. It also has a lift mechanism that increases the ground clearance to over 21 in. (.54 mm) for use on rough and/or difficult terrain.
Transport stand
The transport skid consists of two skids connected together for easy handling. They can be quickly separated at the wellsite for ideal positioning and easy rig-up. Our HR−6100 coiled tubing injector is the most popular injector used on shale fracturing well operations and is designed for 100,000 lb maximum pull and 50,000 lb snubbing capacity.
Our Texas Oil Tools™ (TOT) ES model BOP is a lightweight, high-pressure coiled tubing BOP that features hydraulic-assisted ram change and balanced shear actuators. This model is available in 4.06-in. and 5.12-in. sizes and 10K or 15K psi pressure ratings.
Features and benefits
- Flexible piece design
- Maximum maneuverability with a reel trailer that has an outside turning circle of 69 ft (21 m), which is 30 ft (10 m) tighter than the traditional chassis-mounted CTUs
- Adjustable ground clearance to over 21 in. (540 mm)
- Spacious high-visibility cabin can be raised over 3 ft (1 m), providing the operator with an excellent line of sight for spooling and a panoramic view of wellsite operations
- Ergonomically designed, spacious control cabin provides a quiet, comfortable, and reliable design with large dual-pane windows for a panoramic view of wellsite operations
- Small wellsite footprint
- Proven Hydra Rig™ technology

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