Submerged Swivel and Yoke
Optimize your regasification projects with the Submerged Swivel and Yoke system.
The Submerged Swivel and Yoke (SSY) is a cost-efficient system for mooring of a floating LNG (FLNG) vessel, floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), or a floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessel in shallow water. The APL™ SSY provides an innovative solution, transporting gas directly through a subsea pipeline without the need for a jetty. SSY is based on APL’s proven technology components and is designed to last for the field or terminal lifetime. The yoke weight is adjusted to the vessel size and environmental condition of the field or terminal. The system can be designed with dual risers and umbilical for redundancy and control on the pipeline end manifold (PLEM). The SSY can be designed for disconnection in cyclone/hurricane environments without tug assistance.

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