New Era Sucker Rod Guides

We offer the most extensive portfolio of sucker rod guides on the market.

Sucker rod guides stacked on a pallet

Reduce wear and protect your investment with a trusted brand

Accurate sucker rod guide selection, material, and placement is crucial to ensure effective wear prevention in production tubing and sucker rods. Employing correct wear mitigation techniques improves well productivity and extends asset life, which means less downtime and more expenses saved. With the most comprehensive portfolio of sucker rod guide technology available, our New Era™ guides are designed and manufactured to maximize your operations in the most diverse and difficult production environments.

Wellbore deviations, dynamometer readings, workover histories, well operating conditions, completion information, and production data must be taken into consideration for the proper rod guide design, materials, and spacing for each well.

Proper sucker rod guide selection can ensure effective wear prevention and extend the life of your rod and tubing string

Manufactured from a complete line of engineered plastics and enhanced with performance additives, our products can be tailored to virtually any environment. As a leading provider of artificial lift products, we offer a variety of materials to meet your performance needs, including nylon, UHMW-PE, PPA, PPS, TG PPS-1, SB-1, LG-3, and Cerene.

Sucker rod guide quality and technical support

In addition to our extensive selection of rod guides, we also offer on-site field support and an in-house laboratory for testing materials. Our internal quality department monitors each facility and the manufacturing process to ensure you receive the highest level of quality and service.


  • Reduces downtime
  • Decreases workover costs
  • Superior protection extends the life of tubing and sucker rods
  • Sucker Rod Services Spec Sheet

  • Tuboscope Artificial Lift Technologies Catalog

  • Tuboscope Production Services Catalog

Man inserting sucker rods into rod guide machine
Stack of New Era sucker rod guides

We Want Your Opinion

Your honest feedback is invaluable to us, because it enables us to continue to enhance what we can do for you. Please take a few minutes to complete one of our surveys and let us know about your experiences with our Tuboscope products and services.

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