GEOstrip Systems Striplog

GEOstrip Systems is a lithology striplog program for the wellsite geologist, petrographer, and mudlogger.


As a lithology striplog program made for the wellsite geologist, petrographer, and mudlogger, the M/D Totco™ GEOstrip Systems™ Striplog can be licensed in GEOstrip Vertical and Core Log capable (VC) Striplog™ and/or GEOstrip Horizontal Log capable (Hz) Striplog™ to suit your needs. Both are capable of linking to Microsoft Excel or Word when creating daily and final well reports.

GEOstrip vertical striplog

Used for vertical mud logs, composite logs, core logs, and petrography drill cuttings/core reports, GEOstrip VC Striplog is a standalone software package that includes a vertical striplog, composite log, mud log, and core log in metric and imperial units of measurement.

  • Designed to operate with Windows, the GEOstrip Systems maintains a user-friendly functionality that is quick and easy to learn.
  • The GEOstrip is fully configurable, allowing the user the freedom to adjust column layout, curves, header setup, data tables, data links, and the ability to link daily and final reports.
  • True vertical depth (TVD) module
  • Create a more detailed drill cuttings or core evaluations log in either continuous depth or spot depths.
  • CANSTRAT/AMSTRAT standards and industry accepted symbols and the option to add and create symbols as needed.
  • Easily import LAS file formats and nonstandard ASCII files.
  • Exporting capabilities include LAS file formats and RAW data formats, as well as geological descriptions in short or long form, and geological, engineering comments, and surveys.

GEOstrip horizontal striplog

The GEOstrip horizontal striplog is used for horizontal striplogs and includes all the existing features of the GEOstrip VC Striplog. The striplog layout is viewed horizontally on the computer screen and print off. MD runs horizontally, and the TVD runs vertically and is enhanced to better view log information.

A new Wellbore Cross Section Track (WBCS) can display proposed and actual well paths, survey text points, all lithography symbols, geological text descriptions, and geological and engineering comments.

  • Import survey data from files or manually input to automatically plot and display path and survey text boxes on WBCS.
  • GEOstrip Hz Striplog has the ability to plot auto-depth geological descriptions in the WBCS track at any depth interval.
  • Vertical Striplog

  • Horizontal Striplog

  • Mnemonic Spacing Fix

  • Tips for new LAS Regulations Flyer

GEOstrip Systems Software

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