Chemineer Impellers
Chemineer provides an array of impellers for a variety of applications in the chemical and petrochemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, polymers and food and grain processing industries.
If there were only one mixing job to do, only one impeller would be required. However, there is a very wide range of problems in agitation, and the best impeller for one application may not be the best impeller for another. The descriptions and discussions below are intended as a guide for impeller selection. Relative impeller sizes are compared to the P4 at equal horsepower and equal speed.
Chemineer Impeller Catalog
Chemineer BT-6 Gas Dispersion Impeller Spec Sheet
Chemineer CD-6 Concave Disc Impeller Spec Sheet
Chemineer HE-3 High Efficiency Impeller Spec Sheet
Chemineer JT-2 Transitional Flow Impeller Spec Sheet
Chemineer Ragless Impeller Installation - Outlook Comparison
Chemineer RL-3 Bulletin (German)
Chemineer RL-3 Ragless Impeller Spec Sheet
Chemineer SC-3 Impeller Bulletin
Chemineer WSE-3 High Efficiency Side Entry Impeller Spec Sheet
Chemineer XE-3 High Efficiency Impeller Spec Sheet
Supplemental Manual 333.00: RL-3 Impeller
IO&M Manual 525: BTNS BioTech Agitators
IO&M Manual 526: BTN Style Agitator
IO&M Manual 530: 3RBTN Style Agitator
Supplement: MD & PB Side Entering Agitator Mark II Impellers

RL-3 Ragless Impeller
The Chemineer RL-3 impeller is designed for applications where a ragless agitator is desired to prevent fibrous material build-up on the rotating impeller.
Maintenance Benefits
- Customer had to drain the basin and increase flow rate to other basins which required manual changes to the process
- Outfitting personnel for basin entry and removal of fibrous material is eliminated
- Disposal issues of fibrous material eliminated
Mechanical Benefits
- Increased up-time of your plant
- Reduces load on agitator system such as gears, bearings, motor, shaft, and impeller blades
- Reduced vibration and increased life of agitator
Process Benefits
- Increased process up-time and elimination of manual process changes
- Elimination of fibrous material on impeller maintains top to bottom flow pattern which improves solids suspension and blending uniformity in basin
- Reliable and consistent discharge within plant operating permit limits

XE-3 High Efficiency Impeller
The highest efficiency turbulent flow impeller available in the marketplace. Ideal for blending, heat transfer, and solids suspension applications. Developed to maximize strength at lower weights as compared to other axial flow impellers, allowing for longer shafts without internal support, smaller shaft diameters, and smaller seal sizes if applicable.

HE-3 High Efficiency Impeller
An extremely efficient turbulent flow impeller for blending, heat transfer and solids suspension. Most effective for Reynolds numbers over 50. Developed to minimize the creation of trailing vortices and incorporating the otherwise wasted energy into macro-flow.

SC-3 High Efficiency Impeller
Engineered for deep tank applications utilizing rolled blade design.
The Chemineer® SC-3 Impeller features an advanced design engineered for deep tanks. It produces flow characteristics of much larger impellers, without the added weight, or the resulting loss in pumping efficiency. The highly efficient SC-3 Impeller's reduced weight allows for the use of longer shaft extensions for deeper tanks, and resolves associated critical speed limitations. The use of an SC-3 impeller can produce an overall agitator cost savings as much as 33%.

P-4 Impeller
Axial flow design suitable for wide changes in process viscosity.
A reasonably cost effective impeller in both turbulent and laminar flow. Good impeller for applications where the viscosity changes over a wide range causing the flow regime to vary between turbulent and laminar flow. A reasonably cost effective impeller for solids suspension.

S-4 Impeller
Close clearance design for operation near the tank bottom.
A cost effective impeller for operation very near the floor of a tank for agitating the heel in solids suspension applications. Also an effective impeller in laminar flow applications, especially when impeller Reynolds numbers drop below 50.

BT-6 Gas Dispersion Impeller
The unique blade geometry of the BT-6 creates optimal flow conditions above and below the disc to efficiently disperse gas at even the highest flow rate.
Highest gas dispersing capability available. Can disperse nearly six times the gas handling capability of the D-6 or Rushton impeller. Unloads less than the CD-6. In fact, the unloading is nearly all due to the change in effective density of the gassed liquid. The mass transfer capability is on the order of 10% better than the CD-6. Unlike many other gas dispersing impellers, the BT-6 is relatively insensitive to viscosity.

CD-6 Concave Disc Impeller
The CD-6 impeller improves the mass transfer rate as much as 50% in gas dispersion operations.
The CD-6 impeller is a second generation gas and immiscible liquid dispersion impeller. The CD-6 can handle about 2.4 times the maximum gas capacity of the D-6 impeller. The CD-6 is similar to the Smith impeller, but there are substantial power and dispersion capability differences. This impeller has been used at aeration numbers as high as 2.1.

D-6 or Rushton Impeller
Good cost effective impeller for low concentrations of immiscible liquid or gas.
Two very strong trailing vortices are shed from each blade. These areas of high shear are responsible for breaking the larger droplets to smaller droplets. Maximum aeration numbers should be limited to 0.1.

Maxflo W Impeller
Excellent performance in abrasive solids suspension, liquid-solid-gas and boiling or near boiling applications.
The Maxflo W impeller, with about 10% more effectiveness in pumping efficiency, is an improved version and full replacement impeller for the Maxflo T. Excellent in abrasive solids suspension, solids suspension in the presence of small amounts of gas introduced or generated in situ, and in boiling or near boiling applications.

Maxflo WSE-3 High-Efficiency Side Entry Impeller
Chemineer’s impeller for side entry applications offers greatly improved efficiency and unparalleled process performance.
A high efficiency, advanced side-entering hydrofoil impeller that produces maximum pumping action. It has more cavitation resistance than other designs through effective hydrodynamic design.

Maxflo Mark II and III Impellers
High efficiency, high solidity impellers for use in turbulent side entering applications.
They are especially effective for fluids possessing a yield value, such as paper stock. The high solidity permits operation nearer the boiling point without cavitation.

JP-3 Impeller
Marine style energy efficient design.
A high efficiency turbulent flow impeller used on our smallest turbine agitators at direct drive motor speeds on our DT, BTNS and RBTNS agitator lines. The high solidity permits operation nearer the boiling point without cavitation.

Smoothline Impeller
Chemineer simplifies double impeller configurations for sanitary mixing processes with its patent-pending Smoothline impeller design.
It is available for the HE-3, P-4, S-4 and Maxflo W impellers. Smoothline-style impellers disassemble to pass through manways on process vessels. Their FDA-approved Teflon gaskets between every joint prevent entrapment of process material. As an added benefit, they are easily compatible with single piece shafts thus ensuring optimum straightness, efficient energy transmission and superior mixing performance.

ChemShear Impeller
Customize levels of shear to suit your process.
ChemShear Impellers are made in 4 different styles. Style 1 has the widest blades and style 4 the narrowest blades. Various processes require different ratios of shear and pumping. The wider blades pump more, and the narrower blades have the higher level of shear. They work well in applications which require moderately high shear but also some level of pumping. Many high shear devices are very low in pumping capability and require an auxiliary impeller to provide turnover. ChemShear impellers often overcome the need for an auxiliary pumping impeller. ChemShear impellers have been used in microencapsulation processes producing particles in the 2 micron range.

Double Helical Ribbon Impeller
Proven the best high viscosity, laminar flow impeller.
Generally recognized as the best all around high viscosity, laminar flow impeller. It is the most efficient blender of all existing close clearance agitators. The double flight helical ribbon impeller is also good for heat transfer and blending of liquids and solids from the surface. Generally used for applications where viscosities are ordinarily greater than 30,000 MPa.

Anchor Impeller
The most economical laminar flow impeller available.
The Chemineer™ anchor impeller is most effective in squatty batches in which vertical pumping is not as important as in tall batches, and it is the easiest high-viscosity impeller onto which scrapers can be mounted for difficult heat transfer applications.
- Horizontal flow well suited for low-liquid-level geometries
- Solve heat transfer fouling problems with optional wall scrapers

Screw (Auger) Impeller
Ideal for shear sensitive, uniform blending applications (polymers).
A screw impeller produces effective high viscosity blending of shear sensitive polymers. This impeller provides good top-to-bottom turnover. Although blending is generally good, heat transfer is not as good as the close clearance high viscosity impellers. The screw impeller is suitable for fluids which are not too pseudoplastic with power law indexes less than 0.5.

JT-2 Transitional Flow Impeller
Chemineer provides an array of impellers for a variety of applications in the chemical and petrochemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, polymers and food and grain processing industries.
The JT-2 Impeller has been developed for superior blending in transitional flow. Higher viscosity and non-Newtonian fluids make blending much more challenging. This impeller is used after conventional turbines have lost efficiency due to viscous effects and before the need for close clearance impellers.
The design promotes blending by efficiently moving material in one direction in the center of the tank and the opposite direction on the outside of the tank. The increase in efficiency of this impeller comes from the improved flow pattern that greatly reduces recirculation zones that extend the blend times of other impellers. This flow pattern improves the top to bottom communication in the vessel.
- Up to 50% reduction in power draw for the same blending performance compared with competitive impellers
- Significantly lower total machine cost compared to competitive designs
- Two bladed impeller for easy installation into vessels
- Design operates in either direction
- Impeller between 70% and 90% of the tank diameter for improved heat transfer
- Larger impeller diameter reduces the need for a close clearance impeller (Helix / Anchor) in the low transitional regime
- Polymerizations
- Food Applications
- Biopharma Applications
- Fermentations
- Paint Applications
- Applications where heat transfer and blending are important
- High solid loading slurries
- Coal
- Catalysts