Fleet Care
NOV’s commitment to caring for your fleet is unmatched, offering the industry's most comprehensive suite of services that includes 24/7 technical support, spare parts, field service, repair, training, rentals, exchanges, upgrades, and project management.
The Fleet Care program was designed to enhance customer support, delivering valuable life-cycle solutions and building strategic business partnerships. The Fleet Care managers provide a simple interface with NOV, bringing all of our expertise together to help customers experience maximum performance and improve their total cost of ownership. Please contact us to learn more about our programs, which leverage multiple services to deliver value and meet customer objectives.
Aftermarket Projects Group FlyerWe partner with you to ensure you have the most flexible and optimal solution to meet your unique challenges – keeping your rig and equipment running on time and on budget.
Baku Service Center Flyer
Chennai Machining Centre Flyer
Competency Services and Solutions Flyer
Fleet Care Field Engineering Flyer
Fleet Care Field Service FlyerThe Field Service & Repair team stands ready to execute the plans for your fleet. Our field service engineers are specially trained in NOV Technical Colleges around the globe.
Fleet Care Recertification Flyer
Fleet Care Repair Flyer (English)An overview flyer of our Fleet Care Repair capabilities.
Fleet Care Rig Activation FlyerYou can avoid unnecessary downtime and complications on idle equipment with a short inspection by your OEM prior to use.
Fleet Care Spare Parts Flyer (English)An overview flyer of our spare parts facilities and capabilities.
Fleet Care Stacking Programs BrochureAs the OEM, we can help you find the best solution to mitigate your risk and ensure your fleet is in optimal shape while waiting on the next contract.
Fleet Care TrackerVision Technology Flyer (Offshore)An overview flyer of our TrackerVision real-time technology wearable for offshore.
Odessa Service and Repair Center FlyerOdessa Service Center, providing the repair and service needs of the Permian Basin
Pressure Control Inspection and Repair BrochureAn overview flyer of our Pressure Control Inspection and Repair capabilities.
Rig Technologies Quality Policy
Rig Technologies Stacking Programs FlyerOur global team of experts work with you to help with the preservation and reactivation of your rigs between contracts to ensure that they are running optimally and contract-ready as soon as you need them.
Sogne Repair Center Flyer
Stasis Warm Stacking Kit FlyerAn overview flyer our warm stacking kit. During a warm stacking period, it is essential to keep machines and equipment moving to prevent deterioration.
Technical Equipment Support Service Flyer
Our Offerings

Rig Performance
Is your rig running at peak performance?

Condition-Based Maintenance
Are you optimizing your maintenance program?

Condition Monitoring
Would you like improved insight into your equipment health?

Preventive Maintenance
Are you maintaining your equipment efficiently?

Project Execution
Can we help you deliver on time and on budget?

Stacking, Preservation, and Reactivations
Do you have reactivation plans in place?
Interested in a Fleet Care Solution?
To learn more about how our Fleet Care programs leverage multiple services to deliver value and meet customer objectives, contact us at [email protected].