NOV invites you to see our latest technologies and enjoy some fried fish at an NOV Customer Showcase!
We’re excited to host our customers and partners at our Customer Showcase. Please join us for a delicious fish fry and to see the latest and greatest technologies we have to offer.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
NOV Bammel Facility | 5100 N. Sam Houston Pkwy West | Houston, TX 77086
Parking: Please use this pin or review the map below carefully to see the correct entrance for onsite parking.

Meet at the tour tent to join one of our tours:
- Test Stand Top Drive
- eHawk & Performance Center
- Training Simulators
Tours will be available before alcohol consumption.
See below for all the technologies that will be showcased at the event.
Energy Products & Services
Completion Tools
- BPS™ Maxx
- Ultra-Reach Flotation Collar II (URFC)
- VapR™ Dissolvable Frac Plug
- Setter™ II Composite Frac Plug
- i Frac CEM Data Sheet
- SURESET™ Liner Hanger Packer
- Ragnarok™ Frac System
- ReAct™ Electronic Liner Shoe (ELS)
- i-Con™ Monitoring Sub
Downhole Technologies
- Vector Series 55 Drilling Motor
- Vector™ Series 55RS Bearing Assembly
- Extended Driveshaft for Vector™ Series 55RS Bearing Assembly
- Driveshaft for Vector™ Series 55 Bearing Assembly
- PowerShift™ Downhole Adjustable Motor
- TerraMAX™ Milling System
- TerraPULSE™ Rogue CT Agitator Tool
- PosiTrack™ TVM Tool
- Agitator™ZP Model
- 36'' Safety Pipe Wrench
- VectorZIEL 600
- Tolteq™ Hellfire TMP
Fiber Glass Systems
Grant Prideco
Tuboscope / XL Systems
- TK™ Coatings
- TK™-Ring II
- Zap-Lok™
- Thru-Kote Connection System
- TracID™
- KC Connection™
- XLW Connectors
- XLC-S Connectors
- XLF Connectors
- Viper™ Connectors
- XLW-GT Connectors
- MSI Thread Protectors
- New Era™ Rod Guides
WellSite Services
- Titan™ Centrifuge
- SMART™ Control Panel
- Alpha™ Shaker
- AFRS Fluid Recovery System
- L-Series RCD Bowl
- L-Series RCD Bearing
- 1500S MPD System
- Land Coriolis
- LCP Panel
- RCD Seal Sleeve Elements
- Seal Sleeve Running Tools
- Active Control Device (ACD)
Energy Equipment
Rig Technologies
- Maverick Piston
- Blak-JAK™ Washpipe Cartridge System
- HXE Manual Choke Valve
- HPTX1 Gate Valve
- 2500 Supreme™ Centrifugal Pump
- Power Slip Frame 14
- BX4-75 Hydraulic Actuated Elevator
- Rotary Hand Slip
- Blak-JAK™ Liner Retention System
- Varco Elevator Spider
- 1981 Magnum Pump
- Amphion™Cyberbase™
- 20K Subsea BOP System
- 18-20M XHP Low Force Shear Ram
- NXT™ LFS-5 Ram
- 13-10M 6012 Low Force Shear Ram
- EcoBooster
- Automation Simulator
Intervention and Stimulation Equipment
- Texas Oil Tools™ ES Series Ram Type Well Control Equipment
- Max™ Completions
- Artex™ MultiTruck
- Wireline (Slickline) Tools
- Wireline Pressure Control Equipment
- WPCE Recertification (Aftermarket)
- Elmar™ Dual Pack-Off
- Dual Flapper Tool Trap
- Ideal™ eFrac
- FlexConnect™ HP Frac Hose
- Orange Crush™ Frac Pump Valve
- Blue Thunder™ Frac Pump Valve
- Magnum Ultimate™ XP Centrifugal Pump
Process & Flow Technologies
- HOSS Skid
- Contra-Helical Pump (CHP)
- XCEL™ Integrated Gas Processor (IGP)
- Mechanical Shaft Lock (MSL)